[rp-ml] modling, patternmaking and tooling

From: Alain BERNARD <Alain.Bernard_at_irccyn.ec-nantes.fr>
Date: Sun Jun 11 2006 - 00:04:19 EEST

Dear all,

I saw the different exchanges concerning the discussions on words,
concepts... and so on.
My feeling is that the goal nowadays is more in digital integration with
technological collaboration.
What I meen is that you need a full collaboration between customers and
companies who are supposed to provide from patterns to industrial batch

I have a plenary presentation during the mold and patternmaking congress in
Paris next week and I was wondering about any recent examples concerning
such strudies, from idea, through patternmaking to industrial tooling.

I am also interested by any data concerning mold and pattermaking market in
any country around the World.

So, please, would it be so kind of you to send me any examples or any data,
I will of course acknowledge and refer my sources when presenting these
examples and data.

Looking forward,

All the Best,


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Received on Sat Jun 10 23:19:29 2006

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