Shareware for making STL file from iges files

From: Sunil Yadav (syadav@FNAL.Gov)
Date: Tue Aug 17 1999 - 02:15:00 EEST

Hi everyone,

I am looking for a shareware to make STL file from iges files. I have IDEAS
master series 6.0 for making solid models. I can use "export as STL" in
IDEAS (with tolerance of 0.01 mm) to make STL file. However, I am not
satisfied with the STL file when I use a viewer to view it. The
triangulation of the surface appears slightly coarse. I can not reduce the
tolerance further from 0.01 mm since the part was made with 0.01 mm
tolerance. Is there a shareware available which I can use to make STL file
from my iges models. Also, is there a way to check the accuracy of surface
representation of the STL file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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