Re: files on open/closed cell strucrus

From: Markus Hitter <>
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 09:52:11 EET

Am 21.01.2004 um 18:45 schrieb George W. Hart:

> ... That is fundamentally no harder a test than the union of 27 balls
> in a 3x3x3 lattice---it just repeats this same question many times.

While you are right for the geometric algorithms, the memory management
algorithms can become an issue quickly, too.

Just out of curiosity I tried my good 'ol CAD package as well. In the
first attempt it struggled on as few as 500 balls (exact geometry, no
faceting) already. The software's memory settings were fine to work on
a complete front car body recently ...

Some more attempts got me to about 4000 balls when I gave up due to
increased computation time. There should be a way into the 10000 balls
area but computation is estimated to several hours ...

Have fun,
Markus Hitter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter
Received on Thu Jan 22 09:32:54 2004

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