RE: Status?

Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 14:42:37 EEST

2003/09/10 3:02:28$B!"(BBathsheba Grossman$B$5$s$O!V(BRE: Status?$B!W$G=q$-$^$7$?(B
> On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Kevin Lafferty wrote:
> > Can you comment on the surface finish and feature resolution of Extrude
> > Hone's process?
> The surface texture is similar to a well-made ZCorp starch part, it
> feels about like a sand casting. Maybe a little rougher.

Sintered body have the closed pore which is remained in the conventional
without forging. Most of sintered materials were used after sintering and

But inside the body infiltration was performed to decrease the remained

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