Re: Use microwaves to cure layers of epoxy resin

From: Marshall Burns (
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 06:01:33 EEST

> Microwaves have been successfully used to cure epoxy resin layers. This
> method has been especially developed
> for operation with Rapid Prototyping building three-dimensional models.
> main advantage is expected
> in speed and material savings. Also, as the epoxy resin can be mixed with
> other materials, the material properties can
> be altered to suit specific purposes.

    A lot of people tell me they want their fabber to look like a microwave
oven. So why shouldn't it work like one too?!! Sounds good to me. =)

    Tongue back out of my cheek, I'd definitely like to know more about this

Best regards,
Marshall Burns
President, Ennex Corporation
Los Angeles, USA, (310) 397-1314

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