End of service...

From: Hannu Kaikonen (hannu.kaikonen@muotoiluntutkimuslaitos.fi)
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 08:18:54 EEST

Hello friends

A few words from your friendly administrator. This is somethiong I'd
really like you all to read - after all it's about the future of rp-ml.

To a new position

As of Feb 28th 2001 HUT Lahti centre no longer supports RP research, so all
of my team, including me, have moved to new positions, mainly outside
HUT. I continue working with RP (essentially I continue my former work
with this new organization) in my new position as a project manager in
Institute for Design Research, Lahti Finland.


Me leaving HUT means that there's a bit of a problem with rp-ml. HUT here
in Lahti does not want to keep the service alive - in a way this is
understandable since there really is no RP research at HUT Lahti centre
anymore. That's it folks, it's been nice knowing you all... So long, and
thanks for all the fish!


Now that was nasty thing to do.... bad me - shame! Really, this IS NOT THE
END OF RP-ML ! ! ! I'm currently looking for a place to relocate the
rp-ml server. I'm devoted to carry on the administrative work and I'd like
to keep rp-ml -and the server- close to me, it makes things a lot
easier... Relocating the service may take a while since things like
domain-names and network connections etc. take some time to process - and I
have to spend some money (my own for a change) to get it done. But no
worries, I still have friends at HUT, so rp-ml should not disappear - and
in near future it will be transferred to a new server. Meanwhile we just
have to get along with what we have...

Now I must find a way to finance rp-ml - although it's only something like
2000USD/year, my own (i.e personal, really from my own bank account) assets
will not last for long... so if any of you would like to spend (donate,
spend, even invest if you like) some money to keep the service alive - and
become an Official rp-ml Sponsor - or if you have other suggestions...
well, I'm listening.

Now back to daily business.

Let's keep up the good work and, what is most important,

* Share and Enjoy! *

Yours truly

Hannu Kaikonen
aka Rapid Dude

btw. we are going to introduce a slightly shorter alias for our email address...

For more information about the rp-ml, see http://ltk.hut.fi/rp-ml/

For more information about the rp-ml, see http://ltk.hut.fi/rp-ml/

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