Re: file conversions

From: lonepeak (
Date: Mon Oct 04 1999 - 19:41:40 EEST


Velocity2 imports .tiff format images and allows the user to create a
reconstruction that can be exported as the STL format.

If you have a single .tiff image a desired "thickness" can be
assigned to the image and you can create a 3D model that way. The
example that I have to better explain that is one of our customers does
hand sketches of brooches and does black and white sketches of the
patterns (they are like filigree). We scan the hand drawings in, produce
the .tiff file, import that into Velocity, assign a layer thickness, and
export the STL file. The file is then used to produce the wax pattern on
RP equipment and the customer then has silver castings made.

If you have multiple .tiff images of slices through a part, these are
imported into Velocity similar to the way CT and MR data is imported.
The images can be processed then using any of Velocity's tools.

For more information, please contact Jason Fairbanks at Javelin
( and access Image3's web page (


Salt Lake City, UT

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