Search for Reverse-Engineering of a metal piece

Date: Wed Jul 29 1998 - 13:31:37 EEST

     Dear Sirs,
     we are looking for a possibility to "Reverse Engineer" a piece, and
     therefore I am sending this request to this forum.
     Our problem:
     We have got a small, dy-casted metal part (outer dim. approx. 8 x 9 x
     11 mm) with overhangs and quite a complicated inner form.
     Min. Tolerances of critical dimensions: 0.02 - 0.05 mm
     We have got the ready part, and we would like to have a drawing (pref.
     a 3D Modell in Solid Works, as we have got this system) of this.
     To draw this part, we have to measure the contour beforehand by
     mechanical or optical (Laser) devices. In our opinion mechanical
     devices will not show the required preciseness.
     Who would be able to do this work for us? As we are a UK based
     company, we would prefer a contact in the UK, but any other contacts
     are welcome as well.
     If anybody could help us in searching the right contact and/or
     process, please send me an answer.
     Martin Offermann

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