Have Prototype - Need Commercial Version Machine

From: Tibor (tibor46@email.msn.com)
Date: Mon Jul 13 1998 - 15:03:35 EEST

Have new technology already patented in over 19 countries. Have existing prototype that works well. Need manufacturer/partner and/or funding/partner to build first commercial version based on existing prototype and recent refinements. Prototype was completed in August of 1997. Prototype and patent protection have cost the 4 founders (inventor/partner included) over $700,000 to date.

Prototype is an "ice cube machine" that makes what we call LOGOiCE. LOGOiCE is ice cubes that can have any 3D image, icon, symbol, brand name, word, message or word bytes embedded inside the middle, the very center of the LOGOiCE ice cubes. LOGOiCE ice cubes are made of only two ingredients, air & water. Absolutely no chemicals, dyes, additives, inserts, or gases are used to embedd the 3D image. The image is air trapped in ice.

Reply to: Tibor T. Tallos - Phone:717-285-7683 - E-Mail: tibor46@msn.com

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