Baese and Dupuis Patents

From: Christopher Jelley (
Date: Wed Aug 06 1997 - 11:40:37 EEST


For anyone interested, the complete information for the two early "STL"
patents I requested were as follows:

    Carlo Baese., Photographic process for the reproduction of plastic objects.
                           U.S. Patent # 774,549, 1902.

Thanks again Marshall...

and :

        Luzy, E. and Dupuis, C., Procede pour obtenir des projectionsen releif.
                                                French Patent #461 600,

This patent was found in a paper which has some other great patent
references by M Cabrera, J.Y. Jezequel and J.C. Andre called
Three-dimensional Machining by Laser Photopolymerization. In. Lasers in
Polymer Science and Technology: Applications, Vol III, Chapter 3. pp73-95, 1993.

*** Christopher Jelley ***
*** Applied Mathematics and Computing Group ***
*** Cranfield University, UK ***
*** Tel : 01274 583457 ***
*** " If we want things to stay as they are, ***
*** things will have to change." ***
*** Giuseppe di Lampedusa.(1896-1957) ***

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