Re: Sheet Metal Applications

From: BAU (
Date: Fri Oct 25 1996 - 16:40:20 EEST

> The Rapid Prototyping Association of SME is conducting a
> study to determine if developing a course on the use of RP
> for sheet metal parts and tooling applications is justified.
> We would like to know: (1) if you have applied RP to sheet
> metal forming problems, (2) your assessment of how useful RP
> was and (3) a description of the application.
> Robert L. Brown
> RPA Advisory Board of SME
> phone: 01 (617) 421-7604
> fax: 01 (617) 421-8484

Yes !
We are even developing our own course, which will be the third day of our
>Rapid Prototyping< seminar next year here in Bremen, April 22-24.
Unfortunately, all sessions will be held in german.

(Contact info for the subscribers with a knowledge of German :
Haus der Technik, Hollestr.1, 45 127 Essen, Germany
Tel. +49 201 1803-1 Fax. +49 201 1803-269)

To your questions:
A / Multi-axial bending of stainless steel for a position lamp cap using
SLA pattern -> Densit concrete tool (male) -> rubber pad forming
B/ Boxes and badges drawn on polyurathane tools by rubber pad forming.

Difficult - up to now, we concentrated on showing the feasibility. As
sheet metal parts are often large, milling the tools still wins the
competition quite often, at least economically. But things change ...
(>we are working on it<)

For A:
Berger, U., Thoben, K.-D., Mller, H.: Rapid Prototyping Technologies for
Advanced Sheet Metal Forming. SME
     Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing '93 Conference, Dearborn,
Michigan, USA, 1993.

For B:
Bauer, J., Lck, Th.: Development of Sheet Metal Products using an
Integrated Simulation and Toolbuilding Process
     Chain. The 4th International Conference on Sheet Metal, Twente,
Nederlands, April 1996.
     See Paper in html-format at

More papers: Bottom of

With kind regards,
Juergen Bauer

Dipl. Ing. Juergen Bauer, Bremen Institute of Industrial Technology and
Applied Work Science (BIBA), P.O. Box 33 05 60, 28 335 Bremen,
Phone: +49/421/218-5542, Fax: +49/421/218-5510, Email:,

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