Variable slice thickness.

From: Gert mensing (
Date: Wed Jul 17 1996 - 06:47:57 EEST

Dear RP-community,

Once upon a time there was this song (and still is): " It's a small world
after all". And that is very nice, but this world is still a little to big
to know all that is going on in it.

Therefore I am asking if there are people out there who have
read/heard/written or talked about variable slice thickness.
If so, can you, you and you tell me about it so that this ignorant soul can
get a little wiser too?

Thanks, spasiba, salamat, tojeh, mgoi sai, domo harigato, danke schön,
hartelijk dank, merci, grazie, gracias, terimah kasih, hatur nuhun, sukran.

The power of imagination makes us infinite.
John Muir (1838-1914) born on Jul 21

        ( o o ) (O-O)

Gert Mensing
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Hong Kong
Pok Fu Lam Road
Hong Kong
Tel: + (852) 28592626
Fax: + (852) 28585415

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