Re: Colour RP

Date: Sun Jul 07 1996 - 21:36:08 EEST

On 7/5 you inquired:

>My question is - what 'published literature' is there
> discussing the concept of a colour rp system?

You might be interested in "Three-Dimensional Printing: A Tool for Solid
Modeling," written by the undersigned and published as pp. 812-821 of the
NCGA '91 "Conference Proceedings." This paper outlines a variety of
lamination methods (both cut-then-stack and stack-then-cut) plus the method
of "indirect coloration."

The Helisys and Kira machines have made the basic advantages of lamination
much clearer than in '91 - even to the verge of color printing (as you've
pointed out about Kira). What is not so obvious is that lamination has
tremendous inherent advantages for the production of color - especially full
color (long-term potential even including a sort of "three-dimensional

We've already seen that the lamination of the basic shape can be highly
efficient and user friendly. Fortunately, any one of several existing 2-D
printing process (black or four-color of various technologies) could be used
to selectively add very small quanties of toner in a way which automatically
produces full-depth "edge-effect" color wherever it is desired, and only
where it is necessary. Furthermore, that same printing technology can add
the very important "selective" characteristic to the bonding - and thereby
render the hammer and chisel obsolete in the world of digital hardcopy.

You also inquired:

>Is there anyone working on such a system?

Starting work in '86 (Landfoam Topographics) I've pursued both uncolored and
colored lamination to the greatest extent allowed by the limited finances of
a lone inventor. Results include US Patent 5,015,312, filed 1987, issued

More recent efforts (Laminar Systems, Inc.) have led to significantly
simplified methods, which are the basis for a pending patent application and
the focus of current development work. The outlook is good.

Norman Kinzie
Laminar Systems Inc.
45 Brentwood Circle
Needham, MA. 02192

voice: +1 (617) 444-6910
fax: +1 (617) 449-2408

You attached:

>A good listener is probably just thinking of something else.

Meanwhile, remember:

There are hares and there are tortoises.

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