SLA skin care

From: David Susaraba (DePuy , Inc.)
Date: Friday, May 12, 1995

From: David Susaraba (DePuy , Inc.)
Date: Friday, May 12, 1995
Subject: SLA skin care
Everyone has had great replies about safety and skin care to solve Bart's
problem but unfortunately this is all old knowledge.  Bart has been working
with SLA resins since 88 and myself since 90.  Both of us always wear gloves,
lab coats, and glasses.  Bart also uses a barrier cream and cotton gloves under
his rubber gloves.  I have never had a problem with a skin reaction and we
both use the same precautionary measures, probably more precations on Bart's
part then myself, and this is happening to Bart only.  So this is the question
a guess we have, is anyone having this problem while using the necessary safety
David Susaraba
DePuy Orthopaedics

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