
From: Carl Deckard (Clemson University)
Date: Monday, February 13, 1995

From: Carl Deckard (Clemson  University)
Date: Monday, February 13, 1995
Subject: Patents
Andre Dolenc posted a question about hatching patents and said:

1. Should the patent have be issued in the first place?
2. How can it be enforced?
3. How can one restrict a CAD system from drawing a certain pattern and
   writting the result onto a file?
4. Who can be sued?

I ask:

1. Sould you be able to patent the "right angle" (3D's cross scanning patent)?
2. Do the patent offices think about what will be done in the future as well as
   what has been done in the past? (ans. NO!)
3. When will the time come for a industry wide limited cross-licence?

Dr. Carl Deckard

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