STL binary formats!

From: Tse-Jung Huang (University of Liverpool)
Date: Thursday, September 15, 1994

From: Tse-Jung Huang (University of Liverpool)
Date: Thursday, September 15, 1994
Subject: STL binary formats!
Dear All,
I have been trying to develop program for generating STL files from
a set of image data.  However, the use of ascii took a lot of time
to import the data into Partman, and it needs very big memory space.

Alternatively, I tried to use binary format to keep these data.  I just 
followed the format mentioned in the book, AUTOMATED FABRICATION, however
Partman did not accept the data files.  I am wondering whether there is
any people who has this kind of experience, or know the exact format
for the binary STL. 

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


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